Monday, May 20, 2013

Ellis Island - Baggage and Dormitory Building

View of one of the many dorm areas which comprise the bulk of the Baggage and Dormitory building; during its peak, this area would have held as many beds as could possibly fit into the space.

"The Island of Tears" is a moniker often associated with Ellis Island, the nation's busiest immigration station during its years of operation (1892-1954), and easily its most famous.  This name - which refers to those turned away from America for deportation to their countries of origin - seems most closely connected in the public consciousness with the 2% of immigrants deported for medical reasons.  Certainly, the notion of a child separated from their family due to the discovery of trachoma behind the eyelid and sent, alone, back to whence they came is horrifying.  But disease was not the only reason for denial to passage through the "golden door" that Emma Lazarus wrote about.  A variety of other factors - ranging from poverty to belonging to an "undesirable" ethnic or religious group to suspicion of radical political leaning - could lead to detention or deportation.  The Baggage and Dormitory building, located on the North side of the island, was the epicenter of detention for non-medical cases for almost half a century.  Stabilized and boarded off in 2011, here's a look at the building before it "went dark".

Like much of the Baggage and Dormitory Building, the staircases favored functionality over ornament.

Ellis Island Immigration Station opened in 1892, a replacement for the Castle Garden Immigration Station at the southern tip of Manhattan.  The original main reception building, constructed of wood, burned down in 1897; the iconic Beaux Arts building that would replace it opened in 1900.  It quickly became apparent that, in addition to the hospital complex that was beginning to rise up on the artificial islands constructed south of the original island, space was needed for non-medical detentions as well.  The Main Building simply couldn't accommodate the number of detainees that were landing every day on the island.  Under Commissioner Robert Watchorn, such a building was constructed, attached to the kitchen and laundry building in back of the Main Building, and opening in 1909.

This new building was much simpler, architecturally speaking, than most of the other buildings on Ellis Island; this spoke both to the haste with which it was put up and to the intended future use of the building.  While the principal use of the building would be the detention of suspected undesirables until a board could convene to decide whether to deport them, a secondary use - at least for the first few years of the building's operation - was the storage of immigrants' luggage while they went through the admissions lines.  Thus, the new structure was given the name "Baggage and Dormitory Building", although it could well have been given a title truer to its actual purpose: "Detention Center".

A tiny bathtub was retrofitted into one of the bathrooms in the building.  In order to attach the water lines at the height at which they came out of the wall - where presumably a full-sized tub had once stood - a wooden base had to be constructed under the tub.  In over half a century of abandonment, this base rotted away.

The communal bathroom areas would allow a single official to oversee goings-on while detainees washed up en masse.

The bathing area had partitions between the bathtubs, but no curtains to shield the detainees from the watchful eyes of the Island's officials - there was no true privacy in the Baggage and Dormitory Building.

A closeup of another tub, ravaged over 50 years of abandonment and the attendant water damage.

Of course, the immigrants processed at Ellis Island were not from the upper classes of the societies from which they emigrated; First-class and Second-class passengers disembarked in Manhattan proper, and allowed into the country unhindered.  The Island primarily served steerage-class passengers, who generally packed all they could carry into a couple of suitcases - food included for the month-plus journey, as they were not served meals on the ships for which they often paid most everything they owned for passage - and suffered in cramped communal quarters below deck.

Upon arrival, the procedure for processing immigrants varied somewhat over time, but generally followed this pattern: after standing in a long line, sometimes for many hours on a busy day, each immigrant was given a quick medical examination.  They were asked a battery of questions, and from there - in most cases - they were entered into the registry and allowed to meet those waiting for them at the "kissing post" - the part of the island that gave it the other moniker by which it was known, "The Island of Hope".  From there, they would board a ferry and enter their new lives in America.

But just as the medical examination was meant to discern those who might be carrying disease into the New Land, the battery of questions was aimed at discerning whether an immigrant might be undesirable for other reasons.  Just like the various diseases which gained greater or lesser prominence over the years, various causes for detention asserted themselves at different times during the island's heyday from 1892-1924.  One constant cause for concern was poverty - among the questions asked of prospective immigrants were the amount of money they carried, whether or not they had arranged to stay with family or had other lodging arranged, and whether they were skilled in a trade.  Unskilled laborers without a place to stay or money to get started were perceived as likely to wind up on the dole, living in almshouses, and generally a burden on the public.  Many were detained and eventually deported for this reason.

Most salvageable artifacts had been removed from the Baggage and Dormitory building, as seen in this view of another dormitory section of the building.

On the first floor - briefly used to store immigrants' baggage while they waited in the lines for admission and registration - a number of remaining artifacts were collected.  One was an incredibly heavy Diebold safe.  (It would not open.)

Radiators were collected on one half of this dormitory; air ducts on the other.

Perhaps there was some merit to suggestions that the indigent, likely to become a burden on society, ought to be sent back; arguments of this sort are still in play in contemporary discussions of immigration policy.  But some of the other grounds for detention and deportation certainly seem more sinister in nature - as early as the first few years of the operation of the Immigration Station, various ethnic or religious groups were singled out, as were those with undesirable political leanings.  In the first decade of the 20th century, a memo circulated at the facility mentioned finding reason to detain "Jews, Slavs, Italians, and Socialists".

At various times, other ethnic groups and political ideologies were targeted: Irish and "Oriental"; Radical and Anarchist.  Of course, as New York City already had large populations of Jewish, Irish, and Italian immigrants, it would have been unpopular to codify the discrimination into policy.  Instead, officials working at the island would selectively over-enforce some of the admissions criteria.  A person who might pass through the line as a sane Protestant might be detained as an insane Jew.  A minor past criminal offense might not be troubling in a Spaniard, but might be cause for concern in an Italian.

Thousands of prospective immigrants were detained in the Baggage and Dormitory Building between 1909 and 1924, when the Immigration Act of 1924 placed extensive restrictions on immigration.  The "Golden Door" slammed shut, and the entire island took on what had previously been the function of the Baggage and Dormitory Building: detention and deportation.  Now, this building was only one of many that could be used to house undesirables in preparation for shipping them back to their countries of origin.  Immigration to the United States of America was now severely limited among class and ethnic lines.

View of another of this building's many communal dormitory areas.

In addition to the large dormitories, there was a corridor of individual rooms that could each accommodate two detainees.

The interior of one of these rooms, with "clean" mattresses left rolled and ready for the next time the room would be used - a day that never came.

Mattresses were sterilized in bulk in giant autoclaves in a room on the third floor of the building.

The final residential use of the Baggage and Dormitory building is perhaps its darkest.  On December 8, 1941 - the day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor - the first group of German, Italian, and Japanese who were American citizens or legal aliens were rounded up and brought to this building.  Ellis Island was to become an internment camp as well as a detention facility for the usual suspects.  When the Baggage and Dormitory building was full to capacity with people who had committed no crime but to belong to a particular ethnic group, the internment camp spread out to much of the rest of the island, including the former hospital complex.

While the history of the internment of Japanese Americans is a well-known tale, and the subject of numerous apologetic gestures by the United States government towards those sent to the camps, it is not as well known that Germans and Italians suffered similar fate.  Across the United States, over 10,000 German Americans and 3,000 Italian Americans were interned.  Many of these came through Ellis Island, which served as a sort of waystation for processing those under internment and relocating them to the various camps scattered throughout the nation.  Approximately 600-800 "enemy aliens" would pass through Ellis Island per month during the height of its use as an internment camp; most would be sent to other facilities, but some remained on the island for years.  Because of the ethnic makeup of New York City, most of these were of German or Italian descent.

After the war ended, "enemy aliens" were released from the interment camp, and although the European conflict had ended a year earlier, it was only then that the Italian and German detainees were freed.  Internment remained a contentious and polarizing issue for many years; finally, in 1980, President Jimmy Carter created the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians - specifically to study the issue as it pertained to Japanese Americans.  Beginning in 1990 under the supervision of the George H. W. Bush administration, payments and official apologies were made to surviving Japanese Americans interned in the United States.  To this day, there has been no official recognition of the internment of European Americans labeled as "enemy aliens", and no similar offer of compensation.

A rotting pile of mattresses sat in a corner of the Baggage and Dormitory Building from the time of its vacancy until 2011, when the building was cleaned out, stabilized, and boarded off.

After its use as an internment camp, the Baggage and Dormitory building was left largely vacant, although it was still maintained until the island closed for good in 1954 and was completely abandoned.  Even as the nearby Main Building was completely renovated to the tune of $150 million, and the Hospital Complex was stabilized and cleaned up some years later, the detention building of Ellis Island remained untouched, slowly taking on more and more water damage, until 2011, when it was stabilized, cleaned out, and boarded off.  Perhaps there is a reason for this; while the Main Building saw 98% of prospective immigrants pass into America and thus represents hope, and while the Hospital Complex saw many prospective immigrants convalesce to the point that they were able to enter and thus represents healing, the Baggage and Dormitory Building has no such positive context.  It was, always, a building first and foremost for detention.

And perhaps, when more funds are secured, it too should be reopened as part of the Ellis Island National Monument.  Classism, racism, and anti-semitism are a part of the American story just as much as the "melting pot" concept we learned a glossy version of in Social Studies classrooms.  Internment was a reality of our national conduct during the Second World War.  These aren't happy stories, but they are fundamentally American stories, and they deserve to be told.  The Baggage and Dormitory Building at Ellis Island would be a wonderful place for the telling of these tales.


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How to turn off always on display

The steps to turn off Always On Display (AOD) may vary depending on the brand and model of your device. However, here are some general steps that you can follow:
For Android devices:
1. Go to Settings on your device.
2. Scroll down and select Display.
3. Look for the option that says Always On Display and tap on it.
4. Toggle the switch to turn off the Always On Display.
For iOS devices:
1. Go to Settings on your device.
2. Tap on Display & Brightness.
3. Look for the option that says Raise to Wake and toggle the switch to turn it off.
Note that some devices may have additional settings that allow you to customize the behavior of the Always On Display feature, such as setting a schedule or choosing what information is displayed. If you are having trouble finding the option to turn off AOD on your device, you can consult the device's user manual or contact the manufacturer for assistance.

Anonymous said...

How to split screen on android

To screen record on an Android device, follow these steps:
1. Open the app or screen that you want to record.
2. Swipe down from the top of the screen to access the Quick Settings panel.
3. Look for the Screen Recorder icon, which looks like a circle with a dot inside it. If you don't see it, you may need to swipe left or right to access additional options.
4. Tap the Screen Recorder icon to start recording. You may be asked to give permission for the app to record your screen.
5. Once you start recording, a countdown will appear. After the countdown, the recording will start.
6. To stop recording, tap the Stop icon in the Quick Settings panel or tap the Screen Recorder notification in the notification shade and select Stop.
7. Your screen recording will be saved in your device's gallery or in the app that you used to record it.
Note that the steps to screen record may vary depending on the device and the version of Android you are using. If you are having trouble finding the Screen Recorder option, you can consult your device's user manual or contact the manufacturer for assistance.

Anonymous said...

How to record a phone call on iPhone

Recording a phone call on an iPhone is possible with the built-in Voice Memos app. Here are the steps:
1. Open the Voice Memos app on your iPhone.
2. Open the Phone app and make a call to the person you want to record.
3. Once the call is connected, go back to the Voice Memos app.
4. Tap the Record button in the Voice Memos app to start recording.
5. Switch back to the Phone app and continue the conversation as usual.
6. When the call is finished, go back to the Voice Memos app and tap the Stop button to end the recording.
7. The recorded call will be saved as an audio file in the Voice Memos app, where you can play, edit or share it.
Note that in some regions or countries, it may be illegal to record a phone call without the other person's consent. Therefore, it is important to check the local laws before recording a phone call.

Anonymous said...

iPhone battery health

iPhone battery health refers to the overall health and performance of the battery in your iPhone. Over time, the battery's capacity to hold a charge can drop, leading to shorter battery life and potentially unanticipated shutdowns. To help druggies cover their battery health, Apple introduced a Battery Health point in iOS11.3 and latterly.
The Battery Health point displays information about the maximum capacity of the battery compared to its original capacity when it was new. It also provides information about the battery's peak performance capability, which is the capability of the battery to deliver maximum power.
To check your iPhone's battery health, go to Settings> Battery> Battery Health. Then, you can see your battery's maximum capacity and peak performance capability. However, it may be time to replace the battery, If your battery's maximum capacity has degraded significantly.
It's important to note that there are several factors that can affect the health and lifetime of your iPhone battery, including operation patterns, environmental factors, and charging habits. To help extend your battery's lifetime, it's recommended to avoid extreme temperatures, use original or Apple-certified dishes, and avoid constantly charging your phone to 100.

Anonymous said...

how to turn on do not disturb on iPhone

You can turn on Do Not Disturb on an iPhone by following these steps:
1. Open the Control Center by swiping down from the top-right corner of the screen (for iPhone models with Face ID) or up from the bottom of the screen (for iPhone models with a Home button).
2. Tap the crescent moon icon to turn on Do Not Disturb.
• Alternatively, you can also go to Settings > Do Not Disturb and toggle on the switch for "Do Not Disturb".
3. By default, Do Not Disturb is set to silence all calls, alerts, and notifications that you receive while the feature is turned on. However, you can customize the settings by going to Settings > Do Not Disturb and adjusting the options, such as setting an Allow List of contacts whose calls and messages will still come through.
You can also schedule Do Not Disturb to turn on automatically at certain times, such as during bedtime or when you're in a meeting. To do this, go to Settings > Do Not Disturb and tap on "Scheduled", then set the start and end time for Do Not Disturb to turn on and off automatically.

Anonymous said...

Why is my Mac so slow

There are several reasons why your Mac may be running slow, including:
1. Insufficient disk space: If your hard drive is almost full, it can slow down your Mac's performance. Try deleting files and uninstalling programs you no longer use to free up space.
2. Outdated hardware: If your Mac is old and outdated, it may not be able to handle newer software updates, which can cause it to run slower. Consider upgrading your hardware if possible.
3. Too many running applications: Having too many applications running at the same time can slow down your Mac's performance. Try closing unused applications or using a tool like Activity Monitor to identify and close resource-intensive applications.
4. Malware or viruses: Malware and viruses can slow down your Mac's performance. Make sure you have reputable anti-virus software installed and run regular scans.
5. Outdated software: If your Mac's operating system or applications are outdated, it can slow down your Mac's performance. Make sure to regularly update your software to the latest version.
6. Background processes: Some processes and services running in the background can also slow down your Mac's performance. You can use the Activity Monitor to check for any background processes and close them if necessary.
7. Corrupted system files: Sometimes, corrupted system files can cause your Mac to run slowly. You can use the Disk Utility tool to check and repair any corrupted system files.
In summary, there are several reasons why your Mac may be running slow. Try the above solutions to improve your Mac's performance.

Anonymous said...

Youtube overheating MacBook

Overheating is a common issue that can occur when running intensive applications such as video playback on a MacBook. If you are experiencing overheating specifically when using YouTube, here are some tips to help alleviate the problem:
1. Close unnecessary applications: Running multiple applications simultaneously can cause your MacBook to overheat. Close any unnecessary applications to reduce the load on your system.
2. Use Safari: Safari is optimized for macOS and can help reduce the load on your system. Try using Safari instead of other web browsers when watching YouTube.
3. Adjust video quality: Higher-quality video requires more processing power, which can cause your MacBook to overheat. Try lowering the quality of the video you're watching to reduce the load on your system.
4. Clean your MacBook: Dust and debris can accumulate inside your MacBook, blocking the airflow and causing it to overheat. Use a soft, dry cloth to gently clean the exterior of your MacBook and the air vents.
5. Use a cooling pad: A cooling pad can help improve the airflow around your MacBook and prevent it from overheating.
6. Reset SMC: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC) can help resolve overheating issues. To reset the SMC, shut down your MacBook, hold down the Shift, Control, and Option keys, and then press the power button.
If none of these solutions work, it may be worth contacting Apple support or visiting an Apple Store for further assistance.

Anonymous said...

How to Screenshot on iPhone

To take a screenshot on an iPhone, follow these steps:
1. Navigate to the screen you want to capture.
2. Press the Side button (on the right side of the phone) and the Volume Up button (on the left side of the phone) at the same time.
3. Quickly release both buttons.
4. You should see a flash and hear a camera shutter sound, indicating that the screenshot has been taken.
5. To access the screenshot, go to the Photos app on your iPhone, and it should be saved in your Camera Roll album.
Note that the steps may vary slightly depending on the model of your iPhone and the version of iOS you are using. If you have trouble taking a screenshot, you can also try searching for specific instructions for your iPhone model and iOS version online, or consult the Apple Support website for further assistance.

Anonymous said...

How to Change Language on Netflix

To change the language on Netflix, follow these steps:
1. Sign in to your Netflix account on a web browser.
2. Hover over your profile icon in the top right corner of the screen and click on "Account".
3. Under the "Profile & Parental Controls" section, click on the profile for which you want to change the language.
4. Scroll down to the "Language" section and click on the drop-down menu to select a language.
5. Click on the "Save" button to save your changes.
Note that changing the language will affect the entire profile and not just individual movies or shows. Also, not all titles may be available in all languages.

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